XTalk is a 73K HyperCard stack that gives you access to other Macs on a local area network, using Apple Events and HyperCard (version 2.1 or higher).
It can be used to get information, send commands and send and exchange messages.
A number of pre-set commands (Remote Find..., Beep, Flash, Play Sound..., Put into Msg Box..., Type..., Press Enter, Press Return, Menu Command..., Send Next Menu Command) are available from the Command menu, or you can write your own commands in HyperTalk and send them. (Send Next Menu Command actually allows you to choose a normal HyperCard menu from your menubar but executes it on the remote Mac).
A number of pre-set requests (Object names, Field/button Data, Hilite of button..., The Suspended, The Windows, The Stacks, The StacksInUse, The Message Box, The Menus, Items in Menu..., Stack Info, Background Info, Card Info) are available from the Request menu, or you can write your own requests in HyperTalk and send them. (Some of the requests in the Request menu are actually a number of requests put together. E.g. Field/button Data, which returns a full list of all fields and buttons, by name and number, plus the contents of all fields and the hilites of all buttons.)
Instant Connection Buttons
Once a connection has been made to a remote Mac, this connection can be saved as a button. Thereafter, just clicking on this button will re-establish the connection.
When you attempt to make a connection to another Mac, XTalk first determines whether or not HyperCard is running. If not, it can actually link to the remote Mac’s Finder (Systems 7.0 – 7.1, thanks to the XCMD “FinderEvents”) to launch HyperCard for you.
Broadcast Messages
A single message can be sent to a number of Macs “at once” (actually in quick succession). Options are: “Only if...” (only send to a recipient if a certain condition is met), “Beep” and “Switch to HyperCard”.
Based loosely on the “Conversing” card of Apple’s Apple Event Primer Stack. Unlike the Command/Request and Broadcast cards, “Chat” requires that the other Mac has a copy of this stack installed (with the same name).
A copy of your messages, as well as any replies are kept in the Message Log field.
On-line Help
General Principles card, plus context-sensitive help.
XTalk was created 1995–96 by
Jonathan Cooper, Museum Educator and software developer